01 6917355 / 0879544340 | margaretkennelly@hotmail.com | Kilcock, Co. Kildare

Conditions We Can Help With
At Brideswell Counselling and Psychotherapy I work with clients from all areas of Ireland, but particularly from the Leinster/Midland areas dealing with a large number of issues.
Brideswell Counselling and Psychotherapy offers services to anyone 14 years old and older.
Anxiety & Stress
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is caused by an extremely stressful or terrifying event — either being part of it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. There are different forms of PTSD. I can help you identify what type of PTSD you are dealing with and how to process and manage the challenges this presents you with in a better way.
General Anxiety Disorder
General Anxiety Disorder can affect anybody, and can appear in many different forms. This may be a more long term condition and the effected person can experience intense anxiety around certain aspects of their lives which can frequently result in significant emotional/physical discomfort for the individual. This can be significantly helped by adopting and employing the most appropriate therapeutic approach for the particular anxiety which I do as part of my clinical work.
Health Anxiety
Some people can worry about their health to the point where it can interfere with their lives. This can even show in a physical sense, sweating, increased heart rate etc. I will help you navigate these worries and help you find a new sense of relief.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Some people find it really hard to deal with social situations, for example; going to a party. This can trigger feelings of self criticism, self rejection etc. This can have a serious effect on a person, making them feel shut off from the world.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
There are many variations of OCD, from the mild to the severe. I can work with clients suffering from all types, helping them to overcome their problems.
Panic Attacks / Anxiety Attacks
A panic attack is a physical attack on the body. The person can sweat, tremble, struggle to breathe etc. It can be extremely distressing for the person, feeling like they have no control over their own body. We can help you overcome these feelings and look at ways to manage attacks.
Sleep Difficulties
There are so many people with sleeping difficulties. This can be due to stress, medical problems etc. Whatever the reason, the simple fact is that you need your sleep in order to live a healthy and happy life. I can help you determine why you are not sleeping and look at ways to overcome this.
A phobia is considered and irrational fear of something. This could be a fear of mice, heights etc. There are varying levels but all can be managed through counselling.
Mood & Psychosomatic Disorders
Depression & Depressive Disorders
Depression is a serious illness and unfortunately one that many people do not understand. Depression can affect your entire life, physically and mentally. Always speak to a professional if you feel you are suffering from depression.
Anger Management
We all experience anger in our lives. Generally most people can control their anger, however it can become problematic when people over react to normal situations. People can act irrationally and harm people, both physically and mentally. There techniques and practises to get your anger under control which we will discuss when you make your first enquiry.
Grief is a feeling that we will all experience in our lifetime, but can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate at times. I will help you accept and overcome your grief in a practical and sensitive manner.
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is generally on-going for long periods of time, the onset of which can have a negative effect on all areas of the client’s life, family life, and social life. I will help you with the emotions and triggers you feel around your chronic pain, alongside the cause of it.
Family & Relationship Problems
Relationship Problems
Relationship counselling provides a safe environment to discuss relationship difficulties with family members as well as friends and work colleagues.
Discovering the source of relationship problems, gaining insights and developing techniques for overcoming these difficulties will enable clients to improve their relationships in domestic, social, and professional settings.
Couple Counselling Covering all areas of relationships (side note same sex).
Couples counselling and marriage counselling helps couples resolve difficulties within their relationship or marriage by working either collectively or on an individual basis.
Couples counselling establishes realistic expectations and goals for relationships and focuses on areas for improvement. I am fully committed to helping couples build lasting and loving relationships.
Couple Counselling
It’s no secret that you need to work at a relationship, and there may come a time where you feel that you need help. I am here to listen and help you to overcome any issues you and your partner may encounter.
The death of a family member is one of the most heart breaking things you will ever go through. There is no right or wrong way to react and it is important to realise that. I can help you process your sense of emotional loss, regrets and whatever challenges you may be experiencing around your grief.
Young people have their own problems and it is important to realise that they are just as important as an adults. In a young persons' head, something that may seem trivial to you, may actually be a big problem to them and it is important to recognise that. Margaret works with clients over the age of fourteen, and has a wealth of experience when it comes to young people.
Body Image
Body image is defined as the mental picture one forms of your body as a whole, including its physical characteristics and your attitudes toward these This includes the perception and attitudes you have about your own personal physical appearance. It encompasses how you see yourself, how you feel about how you look. ie It is a combination of the thoughts and feelings that you have about your body which indeed may range between positive and negative experiences or indeed a combination of both. I can work with you to help you identify the reasons for this challenge and mis-perception. This will in turn enable you to accept yourself, see your body the way it is and stop comparing yourself to other people ''comparison is the thief of joy''. No problem.
Bullying in Teenagers
Teen bullying is a very complex problem which requires vigilance, open effective communication, and compassion on the part of both parents and teachers. Bullying among teenagers has become an increasingly worrying concern in more recent years. It may consist of physical, verbal or social forms of bullying by either adults or more commonly other teenagers. Particularly nowadays with the rise of social media and mobile technology, it no longer stops when the school bell rings. Teenagers now face bullying 24/7 through hurtful texts, harassing phone calls, embarrassing photos, vicious online rumours, and so on. I can provide a safe space for your teen to open up and discuss their difficulties/challenges/and experiences with confidence . Let them know they are being listened to without judgment and will help them through their particular bullying situation to try and source resolution.